Wonderwool – Wales 2018

A few weeks ago I took off on a girlie day out, but by myself. I saw a poster about Wonderwool in my local yarn shop and not really knowing what it was (am I even a real crafter?) I booked myself a space on the coach which was to set of from a nearby…

Life at 16S

We have a new challenge! And we are living the dream – we are a team my husband and me. Life at 16S is good. 16S is the exact number of our new allotment. We are gardeners that dabble. Our garden at home is tiny and every year we manage to hang a few baskets,…

How I go to the woods.

“How I go to the woods Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore unsuitable. I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds or hugging the old black oak tree. I have my way of praying, as you no…

Californian Pine Cones

These  beauties are extremely rare, native of the coastal mountains of Southern California. These cones are harvested from remote areas in the mountains and only grow in certain altitudes and specific regions.  The outstanding characteristic the species of pine tree is the large, spiny cones. They are giant spiky, sticky pine cones and the pine tree…

Nesting swans

I find this such an inspirational scene. On my walk the other day I noticed a mute swan swimming in one of the canal pools; it was definitely watching me slightly warily. As I strolled slowly along the towpath opening my senses to the world around in my quest to clue myself in to my…


A welcome heart at the gate. I made this heart at a workshop last year using a frame, moss, willow and ribbon. The ribbon looks a little sorry for itself but I love the natural look of this garden decoration. Welcome to my daily blog where I will be sharing my photos for one month…

The essence of Spring

Let there be daffodils! I love Spring flowers especially daffodils, they scream Hello! at me and jump up and down as I drive along the highways and byways. They wave at me from my front garden too. I always think to myself they are my favourite flower – well – that is until the next…

Ancient stone circles

Imagine druids, sacrifices and ancient rituals In this magnificent and beautiful place perched on the slopes to the east of Keswick. We will never know what our ancestors were doing, building them. Welcome to my daily blog where I share my photos (for one month) and any thoughts they inspire, just for the joy of it.  

High on life – Spring sunshine

Here is my new daily blog where I will share my photos and any thoughts they inspire, just for the joy of it.     Everything outside was elegant and savage and fleshy. Everything inside was cool and vacant. It seemed a shame to stay inside.  John Cheever

Wiltshire rambling

Do you appreciate excellence and beauty? For you, what is the ‘Wow’ factor?  What sets you off? A beautiful sunset? Art or beautiful music? A master at play on the golf course, tennis or squash court? Being witness to an act of extraordinary kindness? This ability to appreciate beauty or excellence is considered to be…

Big grey bullies?

What do you make of squirrels? Love them or loathe them? Are they bullies or are they simply misunderstood? In Europe grey squirrels are notorious for displacing  red squirrels. They eat more than the native reds, eat more at ground level and can digest acorns, which the red ones can’t. They also carry a deadly…

Whatever’s good for the soul – do that!

“I have been a Seeker and still am But I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul.” ~Rumi There’s been a definite change in the air this past week. With the passing of the Spring Equinox, in our hemisphere at least, the days are going to…